Friday, February 25, 2011

Tim DeChristopher saves the world (or a part of it).

Who is he?

A badass.


Let me explain in an annunciated, 11 point bulletin:

  1. In 2008 there was a Utah land auction being held for about 22,000 acres of public land. 
  2. Among the bidders were several major oil companies including ExxonMobil and Shell. 
  3. See, the auctions weren't exactly fair because, well, not everybody has a couple hundred thousand $$ to toss around. And, it was public land, yet, the public wasn't getting much of a say where it was going.
  4. Obviously, environmental activists were wildly outraged. Among them, Tim.
  5. Whereas most protesters either write condescending (read: stupid) letters or show up on game day and cheer for the opposite team, Tim decided to take a third route that landed him in environmental rock stardom.
  6. On auction day, Tim shows up and registers as a bidder (why not?).
  7. He then proceeds to outbid every other bidder on every piece of land, netting a bill of $1.7M. 
  8. Shit balls!
  9. Working a part time job and going to school, Tim didn't exactly have the cash laying around.
  10. Without the money to pay up, the auction was delayed for months and, with the presidential administration change the following January, the land sale was rescinded.
  11. Thusly, Tim got exactly what he wanted, stopping the land sale, by forging his own map and taking the path less trodden.

Fucking awesome. If you want to help him stay out of jail read this:
  • Word is, he's being convicted of a couple of felonies (I think). 
  • The trial is Monday, February 28th.
  • There is a march going on Monday morning @ 8AM at Pioneer Park.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Been reading a new book. I think you'll like.

The book is The Art of Non-Conformity  by Chris Guillebeau. Since reading... spooky things have been happening. Good spooky, not bad.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

This link is ridiculous... lol.

All the information in this is BS. ESPECIALLY the time expectancies.

Like, what the hell doe this mean:

What You Need:

A Planning Committee
A Head of School
A Business Manager
A Business Plan
Dynamic, effective fund raising
Professional marketing

IMHO, it means absolutely nothing. These words are nonstarters. They don't bring you any closer to realizing the goal of starting a school, something I can attest to completely. I hereby announce that I am writing a blog/book/short story about how to start a school. For that matter.. how to start anything. People so overcomplicate things...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Student Signups

We're trying to get student signups at the Idea School site, but so far none have trickled in.

I'll hold class regardless of whether we have students or not. We will not give up just because of slow starting.

If any of you have ideas on how we can get more students to sign up please let me know. Check out our website as a reference: