Friday, June 11, 2010

Dan Pink, different context


  1. I saw this the other day. Have you read the book? It has some great insight on education at the back.
    Do you know how to create videos like this?

  2. I'm reading the book right now! It's great! I'm glad you've read it too. I don't, but I think I should learn how. I'm starting to get really into the idea of creating a video explaining our movement.

  3. This is great! Finally, we seem to be recognizing that people are intrinsically motivated to be creative and to problem solve, and that, when we intervene by focusing on external incentives, we get weaken the effect of the intrinsic motivation and get worse results (and less happy people).

  4. Anonymous,

    Thanks for your comment! It's true that people want to contribute and have their opinions valued. People want to know that they are a part of something important and that their contributions aren't taken for granted.
